o Real Steps is committed to protecting users' privacy and compliance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).
o During intake and enquiries; we collate names, contact details, and any NDIS participant information as required.
o The information is collated via an online forms, phone calls and emails.
o Personal information will be used to provide services, communicate with participants, discussions with care teams and processing of invoices.
o Clarification that information will not be used for marketing without consent.
o The information may be shared with third-party service providers, government bodies as required when participant welfare is concerned.
o Your information will not be shared without consent unless required by law.
o Personal information is stored and protected via our online encrypted database.
o Strict measures have been implemented to ensure unauthorized access, disclosure, or modification of data is to occur.
o Service users may access their personal information and request corrections if required after going through the appropriate channels.
o We encourage users if they believe their privacy has been breached, including contact details to make a complaint to hello@realsteps.com.au and/or the NDIS Commission.
o Updates to the privacy policy will be communicated to participants online and via emails.

Privacy Statement

o Overview of the purpose of the terms, including the relationship between the user and the website/service provider.
o Users may interact with the website to enquire and learn more about services.
o Disclaimer that information on the site is for general guidance only and not a substitute for professional advice.
o The content on the website (e.g., text, images, logos) is owned by Real Steps, we encourage users to not use that content for benefit.
o Disclaimer limiting liability for any errors, omissions, or interruptions on the website.
o Users are to use the website at their own risk.
o Users can contact Real Steps with any questions or concerns about the terms of use via hello@realsteps.com.au

Terms & Conditions